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AICTE Sponsored STTP on Issues and challenges of Grid Connected Renewable Energy Sources

AICTE Sponsored STTP on Issues and challenges of Grid Connected Renewable Energy Sources

Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi is conducting an AICTE-QIP Sponsored One Week Short Term Course on the topic “Issues and challenges of Grid Connected Renewable Energy Sources” (ICGCRE-22) from 21st Feb -25th Feb 2022.


This STC is intended to provide a common platform for experienced academicians, industry professionals, re search scholars for discussions on distinctive understanding of the various issues and challenges of integrating Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) into the utility grid. Due to the rapid

socioeconomic growth coupled with the unceasing rise in energy demand, fast depleting fossil reserves and environmental concerns around the globe, exploring diverse and low carbon energy resources has become a necessity and not an optional mission. Grid connected RESs provide a watershed and unlock a host of useful applications in the modern power grids. Further, a promising development of Smart Grid concept within traditional power utility can be made with the help of renewable technologies. Although RES technologies have several appealing factors, there exists a trade-off point between the benefits of RESs and the potential adverse grid effects at transmission and distribution levels which might impact the stability, quality and reliability of the utility grid. These challenges escalate as the RES technologies penetration increases. During the energy transition period, it will be crucial to carry out testing, monitoring, state-of-the-art compliance technologies, control methods, and development of standards and regulations to ensure that the benefits we envision from the Smart Grid become a reality.


This STC is expected to provide thorough understanding and comprehensive knowledge about the issues, challenges, recommendations and benefits of Grid Connected Renewable Energy Resources. It is anticipated that the participants attending the programme will be able to learn, apply and disseminate the acquired knowledge in making effective sustainable solutions to the various issues of reliable, secure, stable and economic operation of the contemporary electric grids


Recent trends for Optimal Integration & Coordinated Management of RESs, Smart Grid Technologies, Monitoring & Control Methods, Power Quality issues, Power Electronic devices for Grid Connected RESs, DER technologies and associated issues & challenges


Faculty Members/Research Scholars / M.Tech‐B.Tech  Students/Industry Professionals 

*You are required to fill the Google Form at the following

Registration link:

 Last date for filling Google form   :  15th Feb 2022 

Intimation of confirmation            : 17th Feb 2022 

Commencement of STC                  : 21st Feb 2022


For any STC related query, please contact


Mobile No.: 9718354422, 9719194004

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