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Ten Day Research Methodology Course in Social Sciences by Department of Sociology Nagaland University

The Department of Sociology at Nagaland University (A Central University) is offering a Ten-Day Research Methodology Course in Social Sciences from May 21st to 31st, 2024 (offline mode). This intensive course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to conduct rigorous research in the social sciences. The program is sponsored by the Indian Council for Social Science Research, New Delhi.

Concept note:

Research methodology is a fundamental aspect of any scientific inquiry, and its significance cannot be overstated, especially for Ph.D. scholars. As Norman K. Denzin (2017) argues, research methodology is the backbone of social science research, providing the necessary tools and techniques to investigate complex social phenomena. This ten-day course on research methodology aims to equip scholars with the knowledge and skills required to conduct rigorous and scientifically sound research in the social sciences. The importance of research methodology for scholars lies in its ability to guide them through the process of generating new knowledge while critically evaluating existing theories and concepts. As C. Wright Mills (1959) famously stated, the sociological imagination enables researchers to grasp the interplay between individual experiences and larger social structures. The course will cover the three major research methods in social science: quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Quantitative research, rooted in the positivist tradition, seeks to establish causal relationships between variables by analyzing objective reality through the use of statistical tools (Bryman, 2016). This method is particularly useful for analyzing large-scale data and identifying patterns, making it an essential tool for Ph.D. scholars working with extensive datasets.

Ten Day Research Methodology Course in Social Sciences

The course is targeted to provide a comprehensive understanding of the research methodologies in social sciences. Through the course, the Ph.D. researchers will be acquainted with the fundamentals and approaches in social science research, tools, methods and sampling techniques to be followed in research. Participants will be trained in data analysis methods used in quantitative and qualitative research. Specifically, the participants will be provided thorough training on conceptualizing an opertionalizing methods in social research.

Throughout the ten-day course (offline), participants will be engaged in a systematic exploration of the research process, from formulating objectives and hypotheses to collecting, rocessing, and analyzing data. Emphasis will be placed on the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of each research method, ensuring that Ph.D. scholars develop a deep understanding of the principles guiding their research endeavors.

This research methodology course is an invaluable opportunity for scholars to enhance their research skills and navigate the complex landscape of social science research. By mastering the tools and techniques of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research, participants will be well-equipped to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields and make a lasting impact on the social sciences.

The selected participants will get Course kit, reading materials and a certificate of participation.


  1. To provide Ph.D. scholars with a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of the three major research methods in social science: quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods.
  2. To equip Ph.D. scholars with the necessary skills and techniques of data collection, conducting fieldwork via surveys, interviews, ethnography etc.
  3. To train them with the necessary skills of data analysis, writing the research, ethical concerns involved in the social research.

Currently enrolled & registered Ph.D. Research Scholars in social sciences disciplines under UGC-recognized university/institutions across the country.

In-take capacity
The number of participants for the course will be limited to 30 as per ICSSR guidelines and criteria. Selection The candidates will be selected on a first-come, firstserved basis. There is no registration fee.

Outstation participants will be provided accommodation. All the candidates will be provided meals during the course. No TA will be provided, candidates have to bear the travel costs.

Link to Apply:

Last Date for Submission of Application For
30th April, 2024 is the last date for submission of application.

Selected candidates would be intimated by e-mail on or before 2nd May 2024

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