One Week Workshop on the topic Advancements in In vitro Diagnostic Methods in Healthcare

One Week Workshop on the topic Advancements in In vitro Diagnostic Methods in Healthcare

One Week Workshop on the topic Advancements in In vitro Diagnostic Methods in Healthcare

Motilal   Nehru   National   Institute   of   Technology Allahabad is conducting One Week Online High-End Workshop on the topic Advancements in In vitro Diagnostic Methods in Healthcare from 19th July to 25th July 2021

Course Overview and Objective

The  growing   incidence  of  chronic  and   infectious diseases  has  motivated  the  development  of  the  in vitro diagnostics    (IVD)    market IVD tests    are quintessential   for   diagnosis,   prognosis,   treatment and  monitoring  the  progression  of  a  disease.  The development  of  advanced  diagnostic  platforms  aims to  provide  faster,  smaller,  and  more  cost-effective tools that facilitate more precise diagnosis and point-of-care  testing.  This  training  programme  is  focused on the theme of “Advancements in in vitro diagnostic methods in healthcare” with the prime objective to provide  knowledge  and  technical  exposure  towards new tools/methods to support disease diagnosis with special  emphasis  on  in  vitro  diagnostics.  With  this course,  the  organizers  wish  to  transmit  and  share their    own    experience    in    this    area    with    the participants    in    order     to    provide    a    holistic understanding of IVD methods for better health. This  training  course  aims  to  impart  training  on  the IVD   platforms   presently   being   used   for   disease detection. The advancement in diagnostic methodologies  may  recline  in  choice  of  platform used,   sensing   technologies,   reducing   sample-to-answer  time  and  cost  of  assay.  In  this  context, expert     lectures     from     scientists     may     cover advancements    in    areas    like    point    of    care diagnostics, mobile healthcare, lab-on-chip technologies; RT-PCR based molecular diagnostics, nanotechnology    in    diagnostics, and    emerging technologies   like   smartphone   or   IoT   (internet   of things) for mobile healthcare

Course Details:

  • Speakers: Faculty and  Scientists  from reputed institutions like IITs,   IISc,   IISERs,   NITs,   and research laboratories of   eminence   will deliver talks.
  • Course Duration: Seven days
  • Number of seats:25

Eligibility Criteria: PG  and  Ph.D.  level  students  primarily  from universities, Institutes, colleges, private academic  institutions  preferably  in  the  area  of applied  biological  sciences  are  welcomed  to submit their registration forms. The  selection  of  the  eligible  students  will be done  based  on  the  recommendations  of  the Selection    Committee    constituted    for    this purpose. Course Pre-requisite: Knowledge of Immunology-antigen-antibody interactions, protein structure, enzyme kinetics, Nanotechnology, Molecular  biology principles and techniques. Online    platform: The    workshop    will    be conducted online through MS Teams.


Registration Procedure

  • There is no registration fee for this course.
  • Participants have  to  register  themselves  through following link https://forms.gle/fDvQ12JoMLCTYcc57
  • No Objection   Certificate: Participants   have   to produce   a   letter   of   authentication   from   their supervisor/head  of  Department/institute  indicating their  association  with  institution  and  No  objection certificate  for   allowing  the  student  to  undergo training in workshop upon selection.
  • Relevant reference material will be provided  to all participants.  The  certificates  shall  be  issued  to  all participants   after   successful   completion   of   the course.
  • Last date of online Registration: 12th uly 2021
  • Intimation to Selected participants: 15thJuly 2021.

Organizing Team:

Prof. Rajeev Tripathi

Director, MNNIT Allahabad

Convener (s) :Dr.  Manisha  Sachan, Department  of  Biotechnology, MNNIT Allahabad

Dr.   Seema   Nara,   Department   of   Biotechnology, MNNIT Allahabad


Contact details: Phone: 91-5322271237, 1238

Mobile: +919984421252, +919044533554

Email:manishas@mnnit.ac.in, seemanara@mnnit.ac.in,

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