AICTE Sponsored STTP on Rural Development: Opportunities, Challenges and Role of HEIs

AICTE Sponsored Online One Week Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on Rural Development: Opportunities, Challenges and Role of HEIs

Department of Management Technology Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur is organizing an Online AICTE Sponsored STTP on Rural Development: Opportunities, Challenges and Role of HEIs In an ever more complex and turbulent world, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are often considered as a key feature in economic competitiveness and local development. HEIs act both as knowledge producers and distributors. Higher education institutions have to play a critical role in rural transformation. Where ever the pace of economic development is slow, the governments motivate Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to partake in the process of socio-economic development, especially in rural areas. HEIs have an important role to play in the process of changing lives of the people in the rural areas. Universities have frequently been regarded as the key institutions in the process of social change and development. The most explicit role they have been allocated is the production of highly skilled labour and research output to meet the perceived needs of economy. This STTP will lead us to understand about the roles of HEIs in the rural development and in a way will showcase all the opportunities available in the sector.


STTP Objectives

1) To prepare faculty members for Rural Community Engagements. To provide information on various

2) government schemes under which the rural development can be undertaken.

3) To present the changing profile of Rural India in terms of consumption patterns, land use patterns, cropping, lifestyle, living standards and settlement patterns.

4) To explain rural poverty, dynamics.

5) To identify rural development programmes / initiatives in India, their coverage, outlays, modalities and outcomes.

6) To identify and check the village transformation and technology (including digitised financial transactions) interface in terms of information, participatory processes, mainstream and alternative cost-effective technologies in agriculture, rural livelihoods, rural entrepreneurship, rural tourism, rural health, rural industries, rural housing and rural infrastructure.

7) How to prepare village development plan.

STTP Outcomes

After completion of the course, the faculty members will be able to:

1) Understand the social, economic, political and cultural framework of the rural society.

2) Address the challenges with suitable responses for the identified rural issues.

3) Engage in the activities of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) with better understanding.

4) Engage in village development planning and village resource management functions.

5) Scout for more funding to different government organizations.

6) Do meaningful CSR that may have the potential to change lives of rural community.

7) Drive meaningful student projects where extensive fieldwork can be undertaken for more data.

Selection Criteria

1) 40 seats per STTP to be filled on first come, first serve basis.

2) Faculty participants should be teachers from AICTE approved institutions.

3) Participants can participate in any of the three programmes.

Registration Link- https://forms.gle/qV58uALgQwR5jUaE8

Registration fee- No registration fee.

Participation certificates will be issued to all the active

participants on completion of feedback and assessments

For more details you may contact the following members

Dr. Chandan Vichoray,

Email: vichorayc@rknec.edu,


Prof. Ajay Ghangare,

Email: ghangareas@rknec.edu,


Dr. Rajesh Vaidya,

Email: vaidyarw@rknec.edu,

98225 70970.

Dr. Anant Deogaonkar,

Email: deogaonkara1@rknec.edu,

91300 85062.

Dr. Parihar Dahake,

Email: dahakeps@rknec.edu,

97649 21163.

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