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10-Day ICSSR-Sponsored Research Methodology Course for Social Science Scholars at SPIERS, Ahmedabad (15-24 April 2025)

About the Programme:
Social Science Research always has been considered an important instrument for policy formulation that aimed to enhance the welfare of the masses. It provides important inputs for the policy formulation to solve the problem of economic backwardness, social conflict, discrimination, internal and external security, environment, social justice, etc. Enhancing the research capability of young researchers by making them aware about the modern tools & techniques, data sources, theoretical and empirical understanding of the social issues/problems is the way to promote the social science research in the country. It is expected that researchers trained with modern tools and techniques will provide scientific, logical and relevant inputs for the policy formulation.
The proposed training program intends to improve research skills and competence of young social scientists to undertake research studies (both qualitative and quantitative) in social sciences. The participants will be exposed to theories and practical applicability of the research methods and research tools used in social science research. The programme will consist of lectures, field training, practical exercises (in SPSS), report writing and presentations. The training program predominantly follows the research methodology course guidelines of ICSSR, New Delhi.


Eligibility Criteria:
The MPhil/PhD/Post-Doctoral Fellows (PDF) scholars in Social Sciences registered in any Indian University/Institute/Colleges are eligible to apply for the workshop.

How to apply:
Interested candidates can apply by visiting the SPIESR website (www.spiesr.ac.in) on or before 28/03/2025 or directly clicking below link.


General Instruction:
Before filling the forms please ensure that you have
a. Recommendation Letter from your supervisor/HOD
b. Your updated CV
c. A write-up on your research topic (400-500 words)
d. A scanned photograph (jpeg format)
e. A scanned signature (jpeg format)

The maximum intake for the Course shall be 30 participants (20 for out station and 10 for local i.e. Ahmedabad). Attendance in all the sessions is mandatory, or otherwise the certificate shall not be issued.

Registration Fee, Travel Allowances and Accommodation:
There is no registration fee for this 10-Day Research Methodology Course. Boarding and lodging is free. Free food and refreshments (breakfast, lunch and dinner) for all participants shall be provided. Accommodation will be provided to the outstation participants on shared basis within the Institute campus. The selected outstation participants will get reimbursement of travel train/bus sleeper class fare by the shortest route on production of tickets.

Important Dates:

  • Last date for the receipt of application form: 28th March 2025
  • Selection to be communicated: 01st April 2025
  • Workshop/Course Dates: 15th April to 24th April 2025

For any queries, please contact via Email: vachaspatishukla@spiesr.ac.in, Mob: +91 9995747360

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