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UGC-CARE Journal Listings Discontinued: What It Means for Researchers

 UGC (University Grants Commission) Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (UGC-CARE). has cancelled the UGC-CARE Listing and has come up with better quality oriented solution:

  1. Discontinuation of UGC-CARE Journal Listing: The UGC-CARE initiative for listing journals is being discontinued. This decision was made after the Commission’s meeting on October 3, 2024, following recommendations from an expert committee.

  2. Development of New Parameters: Instead of the journal listing, UGC is developing a set of suggestive parameters for faculty members and students to use when selecting peer-reviewed journals. This is intended to guide them in making informed decisions.

  3. Public Feedback: These suggestive parameters have now been shared publicly for feedback. Stakeholders, including VIEIs (presumably academic institutions), faculty, researchers, and students, are invited to provide feedback by February 25, 2025. Feedback can be submitted via email at

  4. Who Should Take Note: The notice encourages stakeholders—especially faculty members, researchers, and students—to review and provide input on these parameters.

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