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Institute of Education & Technology Enable Centre (TEC) Bundelkhand University, Jhansi Organizes Two Weeks Capacity Building Programme (CBP) For Young Social Science Faculty from January 16th -27th ,2024 Sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research

About the Programme

Indian traditional culture is known to have held teachers as highly respected and assigned education a high status but for some decades eroded values have changed the scenario. There is a strong need to restore the same high regard to the profession so as to inspire the best possible
future for our children and our nation. The most important factor in the success of higher education institutions is the quality and engagement of its faculty (NEP 2020). The NEP 2020 has recommended radical changes in the teaching learning process and the assessment system. The digital era demands a technologically competent teacher who can comfortably bring the advancements of technology in to the classrooms for better learning engagement and help the learner to compete with students from different nations. At the same time, the teachers need to improve their research potentialities for their own carrer progression as well as to attract improved institutional ranking and associated funding. Critical, relational, and reflective research in the frontiers of different academic domains with a strong footing in Indian culture and tradition is the need of the hour. In this context, a well-defined sequence of activities towards capacity building that contribute towards teaching, assessment, and research excellence across teachers of HEIs is offered by the Dept. of Education, Assam University targeting specifically the newly recruited teachers in the HEIs of India to fine tune their teaching, and research abilities.

Objectives of the CBP

  • To make aware them about the nature of higher education in the context of NEP
  • To familiarise them with Indian values and ethics and knowledge systems
  • To acquaint them with the need and importance of research and its methodology
  • To sensitise them about tools and techniques of data collection and analysis
  • To update them with the recent developments in ICT and e-content development
  • To enable them to use library and e-library facilities
  • To sensitise them about the means to manage stress among learners
  • To sensitise them about the importance of environmental concerns
  • To acquaint them with the managerial and administrative aspects of HEIs
  • To share strategies and techniques of training, its need, identification, to design follow-up training, methodology and evaluation.
  • To design follow up of training for comprehensive and regular professional development of staff.

Curriculum of CBP

  • Approaches to research in Social Sciences – Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed methodological approach
  • Rating Scales: Thurston; Likert; Guttman
  • Grounded theory and Case study
  • Descriptive Statistics – Classification of Data, Measures of Central Tendency and Variability, Measure of Positions
  • Measure of Relationships – Product Moments Correlation, Partial Correlation, Multiple Correlation, Bisarial , and Point Biserial correlation
  • Parametric Tests – t and F-test
  • Non Parametric Tests – Chi-Square Test and Mann-Whitney U-Test
  • Regression and Prediction
  • SPSS – Theoretical Training
  • Concept of Library, E-library and the training related how to access it in practical
  • Academic Writing – meaning, types and challenges
  • Writing Research Paper for Journals
  • Ethics in Academic Writing: Meaning and Seriousness of Plagiarism, Different Types of Plagiarism
  • How to Prevent Plagiarism,
  • Importance of adhering to rules for Referencing/Citation
  • Writing References and Bibliography.
  • Publishing Tools:

(i) Software tools to identify predatory publications, Online sources to check publishers copyrights, self-archiving policies.

(ii) Journal finder/journal suggestion tools viz. JANE, Elsevier Journal finder, Springer Journal Suggestor, etc.

  • Plagiarism policy, Use of Plagiarism software like Turnitin, Urkund and other opensource software
  • Key problems in ensuring education to all and need of technologies to resolve them.
  • New Andragogy techniques to reach to outreached/deprived populations.
  • Impact of online, virtual mode of teaching in education

Target Participants

Teachers and teacher educators working in different colleges and universities across India can take part in this programme. Priority will be given to the newly recruited teachers of higher education institutions.


The programme would be of two weeks duration (12 days, including Sundays) From 16th January , 2024 to 27th January , 2024.


Institute of Education Bundelkhand University Jhansi (U.P.)

How to apply

  1. The teachers desirous to attend the programme need to fill-up the application form provided in the Google form link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSclf8uYQO9HFKRh7jzpMHsCfMQ3-w0nnZMalNIoAu75NGHqDw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&pli=1 in all respect and submit it.
  2. The application forms will be scrutinised and once approved, it will be communicated through the email id given at the time of registration. (No postal correspondence or any other means of correspondence will be available)
  3. Once approved, the participant may procure the reliving order duly signed and stamped by the head of the institution/ registrar and an advanced scanned copy of the same may be forwarded to instituteofeducationbujhansi@gmail.com
  4. Please make sure that you are bringing the hard copy of relieving order while reporting for the capacity building programme.
  5. There will be no fees for the selected participants.


Travel assistance will be provided to outstation participants in III A/C or the actual bus fare as per the provisions. The reimbursement is provided only upon the production of valid tickets
(confirmed train ticket and /or original bus ticket). No local conveyance would be reimbursed.

Boarding and lodging

Out station participants would be provided with accommodation on request within the campus with food. Lunch and tea/snack would be provided to all the participants during the programme.

Important Dates:

Last date for Applying (using the google form link): Capacity Building Programme Google form 20th December 2023

Date of notification of the selected candidates via email: 25th December 2023

For more details please contact:

Dr.Sunil Trivedi (Coordinator) Institute of Education 9450332171,9415073344

One thought on “Institute of Education & Technology Enable Centre (TEC) Bundelkhand University, Jhansi Organizes Two Weeks Capacity Building Programme (CBP) For Young Social Science Faculty from January 16th -27th ,2024 Sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research

  • Sangeeta Tukaram Sankpal

    Nice one


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