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ICSSR Sponsored 10 Days Research Methodology Course

ICSSR Sponsored Ten Days Research Methodology Course Organized by IIT Bhubaneswar, Odisha

School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Odisha is organizing ICSSR Sponsored 10 days Research Methodology Course starting from 5th to15th June 2023

About Research Methodology Course

This course is designed to provide M.Phil., Doctoral and Post-Doctoral students of social science discipline with both theoretical and practical knowledge about various research methodologies and statistical tools. The ultimate goal is to equip participants with the skills necessary to apply research approaches in their academic and professional pursuits. This course is ideal for those seeking to gain an understanding of research methods and skills, and for those wishing to apply
these skills in their studies or careers.

Brief Content of the Course

The course will be conducted physically and in offline mode at IIT Bhubaneswar campus. In addition to the interactive classroom lectures on research methodology, the participants will also get hands-on experience of data analysis using the statistical software like STATA, E-Views etc.
Moreover, participants will have the opportunity to gain familiarity with pertinent library tools, including Turnitin software for detecting plagiarism and reference management software such as Mendeley. The course incorporates a field visit tour, providing participants with a practical opportunity which will enhance their understanding and equip them with necessary skills to
undertake research independently in the field of social sciences.

Resource Persons

During the course, participants will have the opportunity to learn from experts who come from IITs, NITs, research institutes, and universities across the country

Important Dates
Last Date of receipt of the application: 7th May 2023
Intimation to the selected participants: 25th May 2023
Program dates: 5th – 15th June, 2023

Eligibility Criteria
The participants should have enrolled in any social science discipline under M.Phil./ Ph.D./PDF in a UGC recognized university/deemed University/ colleges/ institutes of national importance and ICSSR Research Institutes. Their application should duly be forwarded by the affiliating Institution. Faculty members are not eligible (since ICSSR is sponsoring Capacity Building Programme for faculty member). Candidate will be selected on the basis of the strength of their research proposal, stage of research (pre-data collection / fieldwork), and first time applicants for Research  Methodology/ similar workshops

Total Intake of the Course
The maximum intake for the course shall be 30, of which 20 seats are for outstation and 10 for local participants. The selection committee will select the participants for the course based on the stage/phase of their research work. The aspects like representation of different social background, women, persons with disability, minorities etc. shall also be taken into consideration while selecting the candidates. Notification for selected candidates will be communicated through their registered email.

Registration Fee & Accommodation
There is no registration fee for this Ten Days Research Methodology Course. Free accommodation will be provided to the participants only at the campus. Food and refreshments will also be provided to the participants during tenure of the program

Travel Cost
Outstation participants are eligible for sleeper class train or actual bus fare in the shortest route to and from. Reimbursement shall be made only on production of original confirmed train tickets or bus tickets. No local conveyance would be reimbursed. Taxi, Own Car Mileage, Auto, Air Fare shall not be admissible under any circumstances.

How to Apply?
Interested candidates may fill out the google form ( and upload duly filled scanned copies of the registration form forwarded by the supervisor and Head of the Department/ Institute on or before last date mentioned above. Registration form and brochure can be downloaded from the institute website The duly filled-in  registration form forwarded by the supervisor and Head of the Department/ Institute be  accompanied by:
• Application form and one-page bio-data of the candidate along with academic qualification (10th,
12th, UG, PG or any other) / CV
• Research Proposal (300 – 500 words) 

The participants will be provided with a certificate on the successful completion of the course. Full attendance is compulsory to receive certificate of participation. Also, the best performer in the evaluation process will receive a certificate of appreciation.

Dr Naresh Chandra Sahu
Associate Professor in Economics
School of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Management
Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Odisha

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