One week National Level Faculty Development Program on Multi Technologies
One week National Level Faculty Development Program on “Multi Technologies”
Rise Krishn asai Prakasam Group of Institutions, Department of CSE is Proudly Presenting One Week National Level Faculty Development Program on” Multi Technologies” from 28th June 21 to 3rd July 21.
About the Program
The Main aim of this Faculty Development Program is to refresh and introduce some cutting edge technologies to all the faculty fraternity so that everyone will be upto date with the new technologies at par with the people from industry. Each Technology will be covered by Experts from Industry.
The Technologies which we are going to cover are
Day 1 Dart,
Day 2 React JS
Day 3 Informatica,
Day 4 AWS,
Day 5 DevOps,
Day 6 Git Hub
Timings are Everyday: 9.30am to 11am
Any one comes under the Umbrella of Teaching; Technical work at any level is eligible to participate in this event. People from industry are also can take part in this mega event.
There is NO FEES for registration, The last date for Registration is 20th June 2021
You can Register using the Link:
Note: while Registering Please Select Host College as “RISE KRISHNA SAI PRAKASAM GROUP”
Also don’t forget to join in the Telegram group for all the updates (link will be provided at registration page)
E-Certificate: Every Participant will be provided with the E-Certificate upon submission of Daily feed backs.
For Any Clarifications Please Reach us to WhatsApp Numbers: 9676050605, 9866317005