AICTE-ISTE SPONSORED One Week Induction / Refresher Program on “Introduction to MOODLE for Teaching Learning Process”

AICTE-ISTE SPONSORED One Week Induction / Refresher Program on “Introduction to MOODLE for Teaching Learning Process”

K.K.Wagh Education Society’s K.K.Wagh Polytechnic, Nashik is conducting AICTE-ISTE SPONSORED One Week Induction / Refresher Program on “Introduction to MOODLE for Teaching Learning Process”. The main objectives of this FDP is  to  provide  both  an understanding of, and hands-on experience with    MOODLE  tools  and  technique  used  in  online Teaching-Learning. By the end of this O-FDP, it’s expected to develop skills like: 

  • To Design Moodle Cloud Based Website
  • Integration of different platform with Moodle
  • Creation of Online Quizzes through Moodle
  • Assessment through different platform
  • Developing Teaching  aids  for  effective online   collaboration with students.     

Topics to be Covered during this FDP are as follows

  1. Overview of Moodle, Getting Ready for Moodle Installation,  Installing  Moodle on Local Server and Admin’s Dashboard
  2. How to create Categories, Courses and Users in Moodle?
  3. User roles,  Teachers  Dashboards  and course Administration in Moodle.
  4. Uploading and  Editing  Resources, Forums  and  Assignments,  Question Bank in Moodle and Quiz in Moodle.
  5. Assignment Grading   and  Report Generation, Grading Quiz in Moodle and Enrol Students and Communicate.
  6. Introduction and Customisation of self-hosted LMS.
  7. Different Assessment Tools.
  8. Integration of Google Tools and Google Classroom.
  9. Creating Digital Presence
  10. Planning content  and  activities  for virtual classrooms.
  11. Online assessment,  quiz,  polls,  exams  and Rubrics.
  12. Evaluation Strategies  through  self-reflection,  peer  observations,  student feedback, and theory. 

REGISTRATION THROUGH ONLINE MODE: There is no Registration fee. However, prior registration is mandatory.  Last date for online application: 30th March 2021 (Tuesday).

The registration link:


For More Details Contact


Prof. A.R.Lande (Mobile No: 9970588499)

(Department of Mechanical Engineering )

Email:- arlande@kkwagh.edu.in


Prof. S.K.Pangarkar (Mobile No: 9822889400)        

(Department of Mechanical Engineering)

E-mail:- skpangarkar@kkwagh.edu.in


Prof.S.B.Raijade (Mobile No :9970180933)             

(Department of Mechanical Engineering)


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